2024 Moors and Christians Festival in Alcoy: How to get there and what to do

The Moors and Christians Festival in Alcoy is one of Spain’s most prominent celebrations, commemorating the region’s history and tradition with fervor and spectacle. These festivities are a culturally significant event, recognized as an Festival of International Tourist Interest. During the days of celebration, the streets of Alcoy transform into lively stages where the battles between Moors and Christians are recreated amidst music, color, and excitement.

When does the 2024 Moors and Christians Festival of Alcoy take place?

The main events of these festivities (The Trilogy) will take place from April 20th to 22nd. But some events are also held in the preceding days.

How to get to the Moors and Christians Festival in Alcoy?

You can reach the Alcoy Festivities in different ways, but the quickest and most comfortable way to do so is with MiTaxi.net. On our website, you can book a Taxi or Minivan (up to 7 people) to get to these festivities quickly. Travel directly to Alcoy from anywhere in Spain.

What to do at the Moors and Christians Festival in Alcoy?

During these festivities, there is a wide range of activities to enjoy and experience this historic celebration. From witnessing the impressive parades to immersing yourself in the atmosphere of the festivities with recreations of epic battles between Moors and Christians. Additionally, you can explore the food and craft stalls that line the streets of Alcoy. Below, we highlight the key aspects of these festivities:

Day of Glory

The Day of Glory marks the triumphant beginning of the festivities. On Easter Sunday, a representative from each “filà” (festive group) parades through the main streets of the city to the rhythm of pasodobles, announcing the festive awakening with joy and fervor. This colorful parade kicks off a series of celebrations that enrich the life of Alcoy.

Subsequently, on the second Sunday, the infant Gloria is celebrated, where the same parade takes place but with children. From this day until the Musician’s day, the nights are illuminated with the “filaetes,” parades where festeros squads parade through the streets dressed in festive attire and accompanied by music.

Day of the Musicians

The Day of the Musicians on April 19th marks the eve of the three great days of celebration, beginning with an exciting tribute to the music bands, a fundamental part of the celebrations in Alcoy.

The program for the Day of the Musicians includes a parade of the Music Bands at 7:30 pm, starting from the avenue of País Valencià to the Plaça d’Espanya. At 9:00 pm in the Plaça d’Espanya, the Hymn of the Festival is played jointly by all participating bands, thus marking the highlight of the day.

Later, it is time to enjoy the typical dinner, the nit de l’olla, which consists of tasting a hearty stew: the olleta alcoyana, made with beans.

Day of the Entries

The Day of the Entries kicks off the festivities with a vibrant atmosphere in Alcoy on April 20th. From the early hours of the day, Plaça d’Espanya is filled with anticipation, with festeros full of energy and resplendent costumes for the Diana.

During the Christian Entry, the spectacle is impressive: visitors can enjoy the parade of the Captain, the squads, and the banners, in a display of music and color that recalls the defense of the city against Moorish attacks. After a brief pause, the Moorish Entry arrives, where fantasy and splendor intertwine in an oriental atmosphere full of dancers and African warriors, under a shower of confetti from the balconies.

Day of San Jorge

San Jorge Day in Alcoy (April 21st), the second day of the festivities, is dedicated to the Patron Saint San Jorge, embodied by the figure of a child, who is the undisputed protagonist of the Festival and is loved and admired by all. In the early morning, the second Diana takes place, in which the participants are children, thus creating a more familiar and jovial atmosphere.

At 11:00 am, there is a procession with the relic of San Jorge, from the church consecrated to this saint to that of Santa María. This event is one of the most emotional moments of the festivities, especially when white and red rose petals are thrown in the street San Lorenzo as Sant Jordiet passes, creating a magical atmosphere. The procession concludes with a mass where the Missa a Sant Jordi by Amando Blanquer is performed.

In the afternoon, at 6:00 pm, there is an evening Diana, called dels caballets, followed by the General Procession at 7:30 pm. In this procession, a meticulous order is followed, including the participation of different groups, from filàs to authorities, and culminating with the equestrian figure of San Jorge. The route, full of solemnity and majesty, ends at the temple of San Jorge, where an emotional act takes place. At the end of the procession, around 9:30 pm, the sky is lit up with a spectacular fireworks display from the Pont de Sant Jordi. The night concludes with the retreta, an informal parade where festeros parade on floats, throwing objects and small gifts to the public, in a atmosphere of celebration and joy.

Day of the Alardo

On the third and final day of the festivities (April 22nd), Alcoy is immersed in an intense day of action and fervor during the Day of the Alardo. The city witnesses a symbolic and thunderous struggle between Moors and Christians, where gunpowder and the roar of muskets fill the air. The dialectical struggle through Embassies and the non-bloody struggle with the thunderous musket immerse the city in a frenzy of emotions. Both sides take turns in the capture and reconquest of the castle, while Alcoy is impregnated with the smoke of gunpowder and the characteristic smell of musket shots.

The day culminates with the appearance of Sant Jordiet on horseback on the battlements of the Castle, marking the emotional end of the Festival Trilogy in honor of the city’s Patron Saint.


Among the typical dishes of the festivities, highlights include “l’olleta de Músic,” a traditional stew, and the sweets known as “Moros”. As for beverages, coffee liqueur is a popular choice, either on its own or mixed. Combining it with cola results in the “plis-play,” while mixing it with lemon granita creates the refreshing “mentira.” Additionally, there’s herbero, a liqueur made with sweet anise and macerated herbs from the Sierra Mariola, as well as “Biri biri,” a liquor based on gin and orange.