“Feria de Abril” of Seville in 2024: ¿How to get there and what to do?

“La Feria de Abril” (April Fair) in Seville is one of the most eagerly awaited festivals in the Andalusian capital, many Sevillians are looking forward to these days of celebration. The fairground (Real de la Feria Sevilla) is located in the neighbourhood of Los Remedios, very close to Triana. In this post we want to solve all your doubts and give you some tips so that you can go fully prepared.

When does La Feria de Abril 2024 take place?

La Feria de Abril is celebrated two weeks after the end of “Semana Santa” (Easter), so in 2024 it will take place between the 14th and the 20th of April. On Saturday the 22th of April, prior to the inauguration, there is usually a fried fish dinner, known as the night of the “pescaito“. And from midnight onwards, the fair’s façade is inaugurated with the “alumbrao” (lighting), which reaches a height of almost 50 metres and has a different design every year. In 2024, the facade is inspired by the Mudejar Pavilion in the Plaza de América, which houses the Museo de Artes y Costumbres Populares (Museum of Arts and Popular Traditions).

How to get to La Feria de Abril?

There are several transport options to get to the Feria de Abril, but the fastest and most comfortable way to get there is with MiTaxi.net. You can book a Taxi, Private Car, VIP Transfer or even Minivan (for large groups) in Seville to get to the Feria de Abril quickly. You can also go directly to the fair from any point of Spain, you just have to indicate it at the time of reservation.

What to wear?

The most suitable look for women when attending the Seville Fair is the flamenco dress with the shawl over the shoulders. And in the case of men, a suit or a blazer with a tie and a handkerchief is usually worn. But if you can’t wear these clothes, don’t worry, as you will always be welcome if you go in a formal and elegant way. La Feria de Abril is one of the biggest festivals in Seville and all Andalusia, so you have to wear your best clothes.

What to do at La Feria de Abril?

For the Sevillians, La Feria de Abril is a week of festivities and celebrations. In the fairgrounds you will find more than 1,000 “casetas” (booths) spread over 15 streets. They come in different sizes and each one is decorated in a special way. Although there are public booths, most of them are private and the “caseteros” invite their friends to enjoy a night of food, fun and dancing. Another aspect to bear in mind about the public and private booths is that the former are open from midday until three in the morning, while the latter can close as they wish. To avoid getting lost among so many stands, the best thing to do is to go to the information points located near the main entrance and the attractions and ask for a map of the fair.

plano Feria Abril Sevilla 2024
Map of La Feria de Abril of Seville 2024. Source: feriadesevilla.andalunet.com

When you arrive at the fair, it is quite normal to see people arriving on horseback or in carriages. The traditional “Paseo de Caballos y Enganches” is one of the most beautiful spectacles you can find at La Feria de Sevilla. You can ride around the “Real” in a horse-drawn carriage for around 120 euros, the official prices are written on the signs at all the stops.

In most of the booths, there is flamenco music that invites you to dance sevillanas. If you don’t know how to dance, don’t worry, improvise or copy the steps of the couple next to you. After all, the aim of the fair is to have a good time!

The food is one of the most interesting aspects of the fair, especially the tapas. The famous “pescaíto frito” (fried fish) is highly recommended, as are the ham and cheese platters, tortillas and sirloin steak with whisky. As for drinks, you can’t miss the famous “rebujito” (a mixture of fino or manzanilla with lemon-lime soda) which will help you to cool down without “getting tipsy” too quickly, allowing you to enjoy the wonderful Andalusian wines that you can find on the grounds. You can also enjoy the best churros with chocolate at any of the churros bars at the fair.

Have fun riding on the rides of “La Calle del Infierno” (Hell’s Road). In this area of the fairground you can find all kinds of attractions, from Ferris wheels and roller coasters to bumper cars. It is divided into two areas, one with rides for adults and the other for children, where parents can take their children to have a good time.

The closing of the fair

The Seville Fair officially ends at midnight on Saturday 20 April with fireworks displays on the banks of the Guadalquivir River, which can be seen from many parts of the city.

As you have seen there are many ways to enjoy this festival. If you are looking forward to an unforgettable week, we encourage you to go to La Feria de Abril 2024.