2024 Fallas of Valencia: How to get there and what to do

The Fallas of Valencia are one of the biggest festivals in Spain, and are listed as a Festival of International Tourist Interest and Intangible Cultural Heritage (by UNESCO). During the Fallas, a large number of papier-mâché figures and structures are set up and symbolically burned to celebrate the arrival of spring. During this week, the streets of Valencia are filled with lights, noise, gunpowder and fire; it is a unique experience that everyone should definitely enjoy at least once.

When does the 2024 Fallas of Valencia take place?

From 1 March, and every day until Sunday 19 March, the “mascletà” is held in the Town Hall square at 14:00 hours. But the main events of these festivities take place during the “fallera week”, from 15 to 19 March.

How to get to the Fallas?

You can get to the Fallas in Valencia in different options, but the fastest and most comfortable way is with MiTaxi.net. On our website you can book a Taxi, VIP Transfer or even Minivan (up to 7 people) to get to the festivities quickly. Travel directly to Valencia from anywhere in Spain.

What to do during the Fallas of Valencia?

During these days the streets are decorated with coloured lights, the music never stops and there are food stalls on every corner. In addition, all kinds of activities take place, such us parades, competitions… and it culminates with the burning of the fallas. But first of all, if you want to feel more integrated, what you have to do when you arrive in Valencia is buy a Fallas headscarf.

La Crida

La Crida of the Fallas of Valencia is the act that starts the Fallas festival. This event takes place on Sunday 3 March at 19:00, in the Torres de Serranos. During the Crida, the mayor or mayoress, the Fallera Mayor of Valencia and the Fallera Mayor Infantil give a speech to the whole city, inviting the citizens to participate in the festival. The event is accompanied by music and a fireworks display that fills the sky with colour.

La mascletà

The mascletà is a noise show consisting of a series of firecrackers of varying power that are fired continuously. It is held every day at 14:00 from the 1st to the 19th of March. The intensity gradually increases until it reaches the “earthquake”, a deafening explosion at the end. Each mascletà has a unique musical composition created by the noises of the gunpowder cannons, and the firecrackers hang from ropes to create a more colourful scene.

La Plantà

La Plantà of the Fallas is one of the most exciting moments of the festival. If you are in Valencia on the night of 15th March, you can witness the planting of all the fallas in the city. During this night, the fallas artists work hard to assemble the monumental papier-mâché structures, while the falleros from each of the fallas remain there cheering and helping. The Plantà marks the official start of the Fallas and is a magical and unforgettable night for Valencians and tourists visiting the city.

Fireworks display

The fireworks display is an impressive pyrotechnic spectacle that takes place every night (from the 15th to the 19th of March) in different parts of the city. Many Fallas commissions have their own firework display, but the official one is the largest and takes place next to the Palau de les Arts. Each firework display lasts about 20 minutes and features a variety of pyrotechnic effects, music and colours that make it a truly spectacular event.

Ofrenda de Flores

The Ofrenda de Flores is another popular event of the Fallas in Valencia. On the 17th and 18th the falleros pay tribute to the patron saint of the city, the Virgen de los Desamparados, from four in the afternoon until the midnight. A parade takes place in the Plaza de la Virgen and each fallera commission parades in traditional costumes and a brass band. The falleras carry a bouquet of flowers to form the Virgin’s mantle and tapestry. The Junta Central Fallera determines the colour of the bouquet to make a perfect floral design.


The despertà is a Fallas tradition that consists of throwing firecrackers and playing music at 8 am every day of the Fallas week. The aim is for people to wake up early and enjoy the festivities, strolling through the streets to see the monuments and take part in the events organised by the Fallas commissions.

Nit del Foc

On the night of the 18th March, the Nit del Foc, you can enjoy the biggest and most spectacular fireworks display of the festivities.


The Fallas of Valencia have several parades that take place throughout the festivities. La Cabalgata del Ninot is one of the most popular parades and will take place on the 2th of March at 17:30. It is a family show where various Fallas commissions dress up in costumes, perform skits on current affairs and parade with floats.

La Cabalgata del Fuego is the main parade of the festivities. It takes place on 19 March at 19:00 and is a fireworks display that announces that all the fallas will be burnt that night. The parade includes animals such as dragons and snakes that throw fire, as well as stilt walkers and demons with pyrotechnic devices.

La Cremá

On the night of 19 March, this is the final celebration of the Fallas of Valencia. All the structures built by the falleros are burnt on this night. During La Cremà, the falleros remove the fences that surround the monument, they surround it with an incendiary traca, make holes in it, and spray it with gasoline. Before burning the falla, a firework display is launched. Then, the Fallera Mayor lights the fuse of the traca from a distance and the crowd applauds when the falla falls into the fire.

In addition, during these festivities you can also enjoy other activities such as illuminated street contests, the Fallas Museum, markets, paella contests and street parties.